About Me

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This is the blog where I talk about the latest movies I've seen. These are my two Schnauzers, Rufus (left) and Marley (right, RIP). As of now, the Double Hollywood Strikes are officially over. May the next strikes not last as long as these ones did.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Jethro the Cat Part 6 (Or, The Origin of the Name).

The Story of Jethro the Cat was written in November 2009. My Grandma requested a short story from me. I had some writer's block. But I was on to something. Let's read on.

I jotted down an idea for a screenplay for an animated film. Inspired by the troubled production of 1962's Mutiny on the Bounty, I thought of a story where one brave hero saved the day on a movie set when it went awry. That hero's name: Jethro the Cat. I liked the name. So when she asked me, via Skype, what story I'd write, I responded with the name.

I wrote it. I liked the mix of Dungeons and Dragons, Looney Tunes and The Dukes of Hazzard. Well, on the last title, I lived in Atlanta for almost half my life. So a southern inspired RPG cartoon story was a thing for me.

Sometime later, my Mom suggested I start a movie blog. When I did, I took the name of my poem's hero. The blog, Jethro Goes To The Movies, became Stuff About Movies in 2014. I liked my poem so much that I sat on it. I wanted my Cat to be an officially-published character. A video game. Cartoon. I thought having a blog with the name would be a conflict of interest.

I think I sat on the idea too long.

Why am I bringing this up now? Why publish now?

My Grandma, the one who I wrote the story for, passed away on March 31, 2019, at 97. She'd been ill for a while. I thought of releasing the story online for a while (Like Sword Art Online; it was on Livejournal before it became a Globally Polarizing Franchise). Her passing finally pushed me. I booted my computer up, shortly after I turned it off for the night, just to retrieve my poem and finally post it online. I still hope something comes out of my weird mixture.

In the meantime, I and my alter-ego, Jethro the Cat, will still go on, reviewing recent movies. But here's a conundrum. The next film I'm thinking of is Pet Sematary, but it's kinda depressing. Should I go or not? I'll have to decide.

Here's a link to my Livejournal, where The Story of Jethro the Cat is also published, and where I am working on revising it. There's other stuff too: See it here.

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