100 Things to do Before I Die? (pending)
1. Tell people about Zom 100: Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is a relatively recent manga by writer Haro Aso and illustrator Kotaro Takata that debuted in 2018. This year saw both an anime and a live-action film debut within a month of each other. The anime is currently on hiatus due to production issues, while the complete film is ready to stream on Netflix.
2. Tell people what the movie is about: Akira Tendo (Eiji Akaso) is a hapless drone for a marketing company. He pines for his co-worker, Saori Ohtori (Yui Ichikawa), while being worked to the bone by their manager, Gonzo Kosugi (Kazuki Kitamura). He practically feels like a zombie long before the living dead rise up in Japan. He soon relishes the fact he's on indefinite vacation. But what to do now?
He whips up a bucket list 100 items long. The living dead can't stop him from fulfilling such items as setting off fireworks near Tokyo tower or rooftop camping. He soon drags along his best bud, Kencho Ryuzaki (Shuntaro Yanagi) and survivalist Shizuka Mikazuki (Mai Shiraishi) on his quest. There's an aquarium that's supposed to have shark-proof diving suits well-suited for braving zombies. Our intrepid trio have to get there before they're all zombified.
3. Tell people if the story is any good. Yeah, I think it is. There's plenty of goofiness as Akira's newfound optimism is contrasted with the zombies around him. The color grading even brightens when Akira realizes his newfound freedom. There's plenty of wacky action scenes as Akira and his friends deal with the zombies. It all culminates with the final boss, a zombified shark held up by human legs. There's still some seriousness along the way. Akira confesses to Saori just as she zombifies. Akira and co. meet a pair of likable flight attendants who eventually zombify. A neighbor couple Akira promised to help don't make it out ... but they do. Overall, it's still pretty fun.
4. Tell people how the characters are. Akira is likable before and after the zombie apocalypse. He's surprisingly endearing as he declares his freedom from his dead-end job. Maybe not surprising considering his palpable misery as we see him overworked. It's quite admirable to see him save Kosugi from the Zombie Shark despite him causing his misery. Kosugi maybe a cowardly jerk, and Kitamura plays him as such rather well, but Akira wrote "be a superhero who saves everyone," not "be a superhero who saves all but one."
A major aspect is how Akira's optimism rubs off on others. So, it's quite fun to see Kencho, Shizuka and the neighbor couple learn to live again as the world un-dies around them. Kencho and Shizuka are just as likable as Akira, with whom they share great chemistry. Their best moment is the final battle when they rally the survivors to safety and defeat the Zombie Shark.
5. Let people know about its visual effects. The zombies are appropriately freaky with their sputtery movements and gruesome visages. Its visualization of a wrecked Tokyo uses some perfectly seamless CGI. The Zombie Shark is an obvious CGI creation, but then again, the whole concept of its existence is inherently goofy. I've already mentioned how wacky the action is and the climax is its wackiest. The battery-charged punch with which Akira finishes off the shark is spectacular. Overall, I think this film looks good.
6. Give them your verdict. Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is a good introduction to a modern manga hit. It's as unique a take on the zombie movie as Shaun of the Dead was. This is about as good time as any to check it out or what exists of the anime so far. I think both are worthy items to check off your streaming bucket list.
7. Come up with a new 1-7 for your bucket list. Yeah.
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