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This is the blog where I talk about the latest movies I've seen. These are my two Schnauzers, Rufus (left) and Marley (right, RIP). As of now, the Double Hollywood Strikes are officially over. May the next strikes not last as long as these ones did.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay- Part 2

Katniss! Peeta! The Other Guy!

(Psst ... his name's Gale!)

Oh yeah...

Their adventures come to an end in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay- Part 2. It's a satisfactory ending to the story of the one reality show no one wants to be on.

The Underground District 13 saved Peeta Mellark from torture. But he's brainwashed-and-crazy with "Kill Katniss Everdeen and anyone who gets in my way" on his mind. District 13's President Alma Coin (Julianne Moore)  has "Kill President Snow and free Panem" on her mind. Katniss Everdeen is willing to help the resistance any way she can. But she really doesn't have "Kill Peeta and end his suffering" on her mind. Meanwhile, President Snow has "Kill Katniss anyway I can" on his mind. And on his mind is to booby-trap the Capitol itself.

What do I have on my mind about this entry?

The screenplay is the confused Tortoise to the first film's assured Hare. It drags out some scenes, like Katniss and co. hiding out in the Capitol. But it doesn't give time for other plot points. The scene I long ago thought would end Part 1 involves the death of a specific character. But the foreshadowing, as in, why they're there, is lacking. The last scenes felt like multiple endings tacked on to each other. So why do I recommend it?

Firstly, I recommend it because of its characters. These are characters you've either loved or hated during the franchise's run. You'll feel appropriately when they get their ending. The climax got sentimental when it focused on the late Philip Seymour Hoffman's character Heavensbee; this is now his last film. The final, final ending gives you relief that a nightmare has ended, as opposed to your nightmare.

The visual design makes use of a lot of on-location filming. I was especially pleased when I recognized one location as being in Atlanta, my former residence. The Boobytraps that populate the streets are seamlessly integrated into the environment. The creepiest set some freaky fishmen-zombie things on our heroes in the sewers. The Capitol citizens are once again a walking fashion show; the aptly-named Tigris is the prime example. Maybe Oscar can give a look this time. Maybe?

Unlike The Hobbit, Mockingjay had enough plot to pass around a few movies. At least it wasn't stretched out even further than two to make more money. You'll get you're money's worth if you've followed the franchise from day one. For everyone else, it's a good action film that closes out one of the best Young Adult Franchises in History.



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