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This is the blog where I talk about the latest movies I've seen. These are my two Schnauzers, Rufus (left) and Marley (right, RIP). As of now, the Double Hollywood Strikes are officially over. May the next strikes not last as long as these ones did.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Now that it's April, it's time for Baseball. In time for the season comes a Baseball movie. It's 42, a decent sports film about one of Baseball's greatest players.

In 1945, Brooklyn Dodgers executive Branch Rickey (Harrison Ford) decides to find an African-American ballplayer for his team. Despite all objections, he finds his candidate in Jackie Robinson (Chadwick Boseman).

Once he's signed, Jackie faces the racism of fans and ballplayers. Every insult tests his character. But to beat them, he has to have "the guts not to fight back." That philosophy helps not just the Dodgers, but the soon-to-be Civil Rights Movement.

Writer/Director Brian Helgeland has made an involving biopic. As Robinson, Boseman isn't afraid to stand up for his rights. Yet, he struggles to not let racist insults hurt him. That's what earns him the audience's sympathy, a point actually discussed in the film.

Also adding to the film are Editors Kevin Stitt and Peter McNulty. They make each ballgame exciting and every round of insults towards Robinson more tense. Composer Mark Isham also contributes strongly with a memorable score.

Still, bits of the story were too obvious. A minor one involves a young fan of Robinson's named Ed Charles, later of the Boston Braves. Even without knowing who he was, I knew he had to be someone important.

But those obvious parts didn't detract from the experience. 42 does what it wanted to do and that's what matters. That's a good enough reason to see it soon.

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