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This is the blog where I talk about the latest movies I've seen. These are my two Schnauzers, Rufus (left) and Marley (right, RIP). As of now, the Double Hollywood Strikes are officially over. May the next strikes not last as long as these ones did.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Town

JETHRO'S NOTE: Yes, I'm back. Settled in Modesto, California.

JETHRO'S NOTE TWO: Now, on to the review.

Let's go to town on The Town. Before you ask yourselves "what kind of title is that," ask yourselves what kind of title is Prince of Thieves, the Chuck Hogan novel that is the source for this film.

The town is Charlestown, a suburb of Boston. According to the film, it's the crime capitol of the world. Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck, also director and co-writer) and his friends, "Jem" Coughlin (Jeremy Renner), "Gloansy" Magloan (Slaine), and "Dez" Elden (Owen Burke) just so happen to have this as their profession.

On one such job, they take bank manager Claire (Rebecca Hall) as a hostage. Because they were wearing masks, their identities should be safe. But Doug decides to follow her to make sure. That's when they begin a relationship...

Compared to, let’s say, The Expendables, there’s not much action here. There are only three robbery sequences, which include car chases, and a few other acts of violence in this film. But when the violent scenes happen, they make the moment as tense as it needs to be. That’s what makes it work as an action film in the end.

Amongst the cast, the only performance I had issue with was Jon Hamm. As the obligatory FBI agent sent to bust Doug and his gang, he was far too one-dimensional as a character. The rest of the cast, including Pete Postlethwaite as Doug’s employer “Fergie the Florist,” did much better in their roles. While “Fergie” went from nice man to total snake, the FBI guy was a tough barking dog and nothing else.

But in the end, with Affleck on front, he proves himself capable as a director and an actor. This makes The Town quite a good visit.

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